The Crescere Collective
Our Blog
The Numbers Are In!
Nearly $16,000 Donated to Madison County Emergency Services Crescere Agri-Resort (cres-er-ray) raised nearly $16,000 at its debut event! The funds, divided equally amongst the Sheriff’s Office, Volunteer Fire Dept. and EMS, are earmarked for special programming and equipment needs. The phenomenal outpouring of support from folks from the County, the Emergency Services, Madison County Tourism, many other community volunteers, and Crescere’s own enthusiastic staff made this event such a success. Over 40 sponsors made up of individual community members and businesses, many of who also contributed to the Silent Auction, made this fundraiser one to remember. ...

Top Three Things To Do When You Are Being Sued
Stand Your Ground, Stand Your Ground, Stand Your Ground! Crescere Resort and Madison County Board of Supervisors Win Lawsuit Disputing the Special Use Permit Awarded to Crescere Farm. It’s been a long year! The excitement of the unanimous Board of Supervisors vote to approve our Special Use Permit in August of 2020 hit a slightly sour note as we were sued by a neighbor set against the development of a rural agri-resort on our 762 acre farm in Central Virginia. The timing of breaking ground on Crescere Farm (cres-er-ray), envisioned as a special place where the public could appreciate the best Virginia nature has to offer while learning about sustainable farming and eco-practices,...

Sustainable Farming In Virginia Amidst Covid-19
The 2020 growing season is underway at Crescere Farm while the world struggles with the Covid 19 pandemic.

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